This examination is open book.
- You have 60 minutes for completing the exam.
- There are 30 multiple choice questions split into five sections.
- There is maximum of 60 marks available; the pass mark is 66% (40 marks).
- Please select the same number of answers as the question requires – this is indicated in the brackets. Partial marks will be given for the correct answers.
- If you tick more boxes than required, none of your responses will be accepted and you get zero mark for that question.
- Please select your correct answers clearly by ticking ( ) in the box provided. If you change your answer, you will need to indicate this clearly on the paper by placing a cross (X) through the answer you do NOT want to be marked.
- Read each question carefully before you answer.
- When selecting your answer choices make sure you consider the context given in the question as well as the knowledge you have from the course.
- Allow time to check back over your work.